Specifically, the Party Committee has led incessantly to renovate and improve the quality of the work in the school; Maintain stability of the school development activities in the context of many difficulties due to objective conditions; The quality of comprehensive training has been gradually strengthened; Scientific research and technology transfer activities have been effective and quality; International cooperation activities have been expanded and strengthened; The quality of the staff is increasingly improved; Material facilities, equipment and finance have been developed; The material and spiritual life of cadres, party members, students is gradually being stabilized; Security and safety is guaranteed ...

During the XXIV term, the University Party Committee issued 05 thematic leadership resolutions and 50 leadership resolutions monthly; 29 action programs, 96 plans, 32 decisions ... to lead and direct the implementation of the work. The Party Committee has admitted 153 new party members, an increase of 4% against the proposed resolution. The inspection, supervision, prevention and fight against corruption and disciplinary actions within the Party have been carried out synchronously and regularly; The Party has directed the deployment of 74 thematic examinations and supervision ...

In the term 2020-2025, the Party set the goal of “Innovation and creativity to enhance the leadership and fighting power of the Party Committee, promote the intelligence and solidarity of all officials and employee." throughout the school: build a contingent of highly-qualified, well-trained, well-managed management and teaching staff; Determine to build a brand of QuangNinhUniversity of Industry with a reputation, high competitiveness, adaptive integration, and a reliable address for learners and units that use human resources. Political security, social order and safety are maintained. The material and spiritual life of all officials and employees in the school has been improved; The Party Committee of the University also sets out the main targets on the training scale, the quality of training, the compilation of new curriculum, team building, total revenue, international cooperation and investment in infrastructure construction; strive annually that 80% of subordinate branches achieve "Good performance of tasks" or more; over 80% of party members complete their tasks, of which 50% or more successfully complete the tasks; strive for the Party Committee of the University every year to achieve "Good performance" or higher; every year, new members will be admitted over 5% - 10% compared to the number of party members at the beginning of each year in the term.

Mr. La Tuan Quynh - Member of the Standing Committee, Chairman of Inspection Committee of the Party Committee of QuangNinh Coal Party acknowledged and praised the achievements of the school Party Committee in the last term. He affirmed that this was the result of the solidarity and efforts of the Party Committee and the collective of cadres, party members, and the Labor Union of the school, which contributed an important part to the successful implementation of the fourth Resolution Party Committee of QuangNinh Coal Party, term 2015-2020. He believed that with the careful preparation and organization, the Congress will fulfill the agenda of the meeting.
Seeing opportunities, advantages as well as difficulties and challenges that the University will have to face in the coming time, he desired the school Party Committee to focus on improving the leading role of Party Committee at all levels; Constantly innovating content, mode of operation; propose solutions to implement the Resolution of the Congress, complete political tasks, build a strong and clean Party Committee; take care of the material and spiritual life for the school's Labor Union ...
The Congress elected the XXV Party Executive Committee, term 2020-2025, including 10 comrades and elected 04 official representatives to attend the 5th Party Committee Congress of QuangNinh Coal party, term 2020-2025; Mr. Hoang Hung Thang - Secretary of the XXIV School's Party Committee, term 2015-2020 continues to be elected as Secretary of the Party Committee of XXVl, term 2020-2025.