The provincial science & technology contest for high school students was attended by 162 candidates with 85 projects from high schools, districts and education and training offices in QuangNinh province.
At the closing ceremony, the Organizer awarded the first prize to 12 projects of 23 authors; 17 second prizes, 17 third prizes and 18 fourth prizes, two of which were selected to attend the National Science and Technology Contest held in March 2020 in Da Nang City, including: The project "Changing behavior of high school students, dealing with plastic waste in the circulating economy, towards a green lifestyle ” by the group of Hon Gai High School and the project: "Researching on cuttlefish-processing to create antibacterial products by means of bio-application of food preservation" by the group ofUong Bi High School.
QuangNinh University of Industry, the host of this year's competition, has had the best support to make the contest a success and leave a good impression on teachers and students. Also to support students in the province, QuangNinh Universityof Industry decided to award scholarships to the winning students, namely: Directly recruit the students who have won the awards in the contest. The scholarship is the entire tuition and accommodation at the University with the entire course worth of 1 billion. In addition, QuangNinh University of Industry also offers potential scholarships for two projects participating in the National Prize and for the project of poor students rising in scientific and technological research.
The contest is an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge they have learned in real life, thereby developing their ability as an opportunity for them to experience, create, and give exchange and study among schools in the province. In addition, the competition is one of the bases for assessing the status of deploying educational innovation in the direction of developing student competencies so that schools can formulate training and retraining plans for students, find out measures to manage positively and appropriately.